Miss Southeast Angel’s Christmas
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Pearson Elementary School
Pearson, GA
Age Divisions:
Baby 0-11 mths Toddler
12-23 mths Tiny 2-3 years
Little 4-6 years
Petite 7-9 years
Junior 10-12 years
Teen 13-15 years Miss 16-up
For ages 0-6
years ***2:00-2:30 pm***
Pageant Begins
at 3:00 pm
For ages 7 &
up ***4:00-4:30 pm***
Pageant Begins
at 5:00 pm
You must enter
Beauty, Photogenic, Prettiest Dress, Prettiest Hair, and And Prettiest Smile & have the highest combined score.
One winner from
0-6 years and one from 7 & up!
Each Grand Supreme winner will receive:
A 5 ½ Foot, 4 Column Trophy & A Crown!
***Mini Supreme Awards (WE DO
You must enter
Beauty, Photogenic, Prettiest Dress, Prettiest Hair, and And Prettiest Smile & have the 2nd highest combined
One winner from
0-6 years and one from 7 & up!
Each Mini Supreme Winner will receive:
4 ½ Foot, 4 Column Trophy & A Crown!
**If we have enough contestants by early deadline we will change the Supremes to 0-3 years, 4-9 years
and 10 & up. **
***Beauty Queens***
Each contestant will be judged on Beauty, Personality/Poise, & Overall Appearance.
(Baby, Toddler & Tiny divisions will not be
judged on Poise.)
Awesome 3’
trophy, full rhinestone crown, & a tote bag of goodies!!
We will have
a winner and two runners up in each division.
**No one goes home empty handed, everyone will receive a trophy**
One winner in
each age division, winner will receive a trophy.
Photos can be
black & white or color. 5x7 or 8x10 works best, but any size will do. The photo should have your name and division on
the back. You will receive your pictures back at the pageant.
***Christmas Attire***
Wear your favorite
off the rack or custom made outfit.
One winner in each age division will receive a trophy.
***Prettiest Hair, Prettiest Dress, & Prettiest Smile***
One winner in
each age division will receive a trophy.
This will be
judged in a group line up after individual walks.
***Peoples Choice***
We will have
a Peoples Choice Queen in each age division. Division Peoples Choice Queen will receive a Trophy. We will also have an Overall
Peoples Choice Queen for ages 0-6 & 7-up. To be eligible for Overall People Choice you must collect at least $ 50.
So start collecting now. You can turn this money in the day of the pageant.
Overall Peoples
Choice Winner will receive 34” Trophy & Crown
Contestants will
be judged on Beauty (1-10), Poise (1-10), and Personality (1-10)
and Overall Appearance
(Baby, Toddler
& Tiny divisions will not be judged on Poise.)
Early Bird- Enter the entire pageant for $65.00 if postmarked no later than October
30, 2006
Siblings Discount-
1 full price, other ½ price.
***Other Pageant information***
Ø In the event that there are less than 2 contestants in one division,
the pageant committee may combine that age division. We will not do this until we notify the contestant or parents.
Ø The pageant committee is not responsible for any accidents, which may
occur to, from or during the pageant.
Ø All judges’ decisions
are final!!
Ø This pageant is open; any contestant from the state of Georgia can participate in this
Ø If you want your scores, please mail or bring a self-addressed, stamped
envelope along with your application. Scores can also be emailed, if you provide me with an email address.
Ø Admission Adults $ 5, $ 3 Students & ages 3 and under are free.
Ø One parent gets in free with paid contestant
Ø Beauty walk is basic T pattern.
Ø Everyone will receive a trophy; no one goes home empty handed.
Ø No personal interview,
No mandatory appearances or on stage questions!
Ø For more information please contact Tina Smith @ (912) 422-3272 wk, (912)
422-7077 home, or email tinasmithpageants@hotmail.com. You may also visit our website http://tinasmithpageants.tripod.com for any updates and any other information.
Ø Final deadline & practice
is November
9, 2006 at 6 pm.
Ø You can mail your applications to:
Tina Smith
375 Fannie Mizell Rd.
Pearson, GA 31642
Emcee Sheet
Please print clearly!
Contestant # ________
Age Division _______
(to be completed by committee)
Name _________________________________________________
Age ___________ DOB __________
Address _____________________________
City __________________ State GA
Zip ______________
Email Address ________________________________________________________________________
Parent’s ______________________________________________________________________________
Likes __________________________________________
Dislikes ______________________________
Hobbies ______________________________________________________________________________
Future Plans/Ambitions _________________________________________________________________
Three Words that best describe me _____________________,
__________________, _______________
Favorite TV Show _______________________________
Favorite Color __________________________
Hair Color ____________________ Eye Color _______________
Favorite Food ___________________
If I could go anywhere in the world, I would go
to ____________________________________________
Sponsored By _________________________________________________________________________
I have read and understand all the rules and requirements
for this event. I understand that the judges’ decisions are final and misconduct
on my part could result in disqualification and/or loss of title. I also agree
that the Pageant Committee is not responsible for any accidents, injury, or theft that may occur before, during, and after
the pageant. I am also aware that there is a $ 40 return check fee.
This is to certify that I’m not married,
never giving birth, or convicted of a crime.
Contestant Signature _________________________________________________
Date ____________
Parents Signature ____________________________________________________
Date ____________
Beauty (mandatory) $ 50
Photogenic $ 15
Christmas Attire $ 10
Prettiest Dress
$ 10
Prettiest Smile $ 10
Prettiest Hair $ 10
Early Bird Discount
$ 65.00 _____ for Supreme Package. If postmarked by October 30, 2006.